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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 06/24

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 06/24

我見 我思 我聞


曾經參加過2020 年美國總統初選的華裔楊安澤在參加紐約市長民主黨初選中敗陣下來, 他已經承認自己敗選。

他在演說中仍然告訴支持者說,紐約正處在危机狀態,相信我們能出手相助, 不論下任市長由誰出任,大家都應該伸出援手。

我們對於楊安澤出馬參加市長初選之決心表示高度之讃掦,他是有史以來華裔角逐政壇之表率,尤其是美國總統民主黨初選的大會上,他的政見每個國民不論貧富每月發现金一千元, 獲得許多中下階層之大力支持。

老實說, 在今天美國反華亞裔之氛圍下, 楊安澤能不畏艱難站了出來,已經為我們在全美發聲,他代表我們向社會呼喊, 是我們真正的領袖人物。


We Are Still Proud Of Andrew Yang

A former 2020 presidential candidate who ran for New York mayor conceded on Tuesday night after he lost the election.

He told a group of supporters that our city was in crisis and we believed we could help. 

He said, “I am not going to be mayor of New York City based on the numbers that have come in tonight. I am conceding this race though we’re not sure ultimately who the next mayor is going to be. Whoever that person is, I will be very happy to work with them to help improve the lives of the 8.3 million people who live in our great city.”

In his campaign, Mr. Yang had helped to focus on a rise in attacks on people of Asian descent and wanted to promote cash relief for every family.

We are very proud as Chinese Asian-Americans that Mr. Yang is representing us in many aspects. His wisdom and hardworking attitude is one of the best examples of the Asian community.

I remember the first time I visited “The Big Apple,” New York City. There are so many newcomers there that don’t even speak English. But today, this great world-class city with so many contributions from the new immigrants, we are expecting that more Asians will join the political arena.

Andrew Yang, we really appreciate that you are representing our voice. Don’t give up yet.