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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/26

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/26

我見 我聞 我思


隨著拜登政府將在月底前公布有關新冠病毒頭源之報告將出爐 ,正在引起在美華亞裔社區之廣泛關注和憂慮

亞裔社區領袖企望拜登總統之報告不要再度加大對亞裔之仇視 導致社區之恐懼和不安

三個月前 總統下令情治單位要查明病毒是否從試驗室中流出此舉引發了中美兩國之再次緊張關係

亞裔社區人士認為 不管報告如果描述這都會對亞裔仇恨態度再度惡化主要是去年川已把病毒定名為中國病毒 因而引發了至少九千件的仇恨反亞裔事件



老實說我們亞裔只佔全國人口之百分之六投票率也很低 在政治上之话語權也極有限

我們呼籲華亞裔在此時此刻 要注意事態之發展 共同面對反亞裔未來之挑戰

COVID-19 Origin Report Could Fuel More Trouble

Leaders of the Asian American community are concerned that a report on the origins of the COVID-19 virus expected to be released this week by the Biden administration will be used to "legitimize racist language" and lead to more anti-Asian violence across the country. 

Three months ago President Biden ordered a 90- day investigation into how the COVID-19 virus originated. The deadline of the report will be met this week.

One of the Asian community leaders said that no matter what the report says our community will continue being targeted by those who see us as foreigners.

In May of this year President Biden signed the COVID-19 Hate Crime Act into law. This was an effort to counter the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes and expedite the review of potential COVID-19 related hate crimes and incident reports.

A recent report showed that more than 9,000 reports of bias have been made since the beginning of the pandemic.

We sincerely urge that our community needs to be very alarmed at what the outcome of the report will be at the end of this month.

As Senator Hirono said, “We also want to remind President Biden that he should make every effort to not fuel the hate-starting with clear and specific language and to continue his condemnation of violence against the AAPI community.”

President Biden also met with a group of Asian leaders at the White House to discuss how to combat the rise of anti-Asian hate crimes, voting rights and immigration issues. We need to speak out about our current situation and we need to be united and fight for our rights.