
2022 Superstar Awards Ceremony Held in New York
Superstar Award 2022 gala was held successfully in Rockefeller Center New York on December 16th.
The event has made announcement of 2022 Superstar Award winners as followed:
Superstar Contribution Award:
Daisuke Tarutani
Marc Antonio Squarciafichi
Juan Temenne
Best New Artist Award:
Alagna Franck
Best Performance Award:
Waltz of The Snow Flakes - by American Liberty Ballet
Best Red Carpet Style Award:
Melissa Mahler
Best Film Award:
鬼日子 - 趙大勇執導
Shadow Days - directed by Zhao Da Yong
Best NFT Award:
Anna Khachatryan
The award gala presented nominee's artworks and donation votes.
Superstar Award Jury Members includes:
May Liu, Lady Dewi Sukarno, Marco Antonio Soriano IV, Keith Collea, Juan Temenne, Kevin Beauregard.
Superstar Award Jury Members presented the Superstar Award certificate to award winners.
2022超星獎大會同時慶祝世界第一個元宇宙博物館——超星博物館開幕,網址是:www.SuperstarMuseum.com,宣布與中亞心色美術館合作出品的達芬奇非同質化代幣誕生。中亞心色美術館代表張靜文向達芬奇NTF設計人、超星藝術基金會會長May Liu頒發了委任狀。現場播放了意大利達芬奇學院院長Mario Taddei教授的視頻問候。
2022 Superstar award gala also celebrates the opening of the world first Metaverse Museum: www.SuperstarMuseum.com, announced the launch of Da Vinci NFT products in cooperation with Colorful Heart Gallery, Zhang Jing Wen, the representative of Colorful Heart Gallery presented the authorization certificate to Da Vinci NFT designer-May Liu, president of Superstar Art Foundation, with greeting video from Professor Mario Taddei, principal of Da Vinci Academy Italy.
2023世界經濟小姐提名人Polina Soliakova, Karina Berikova, Browne Valerie, Allie Hutchins, Gabrielle Gross, Sara Grassi, Breana Lochrie, Ciara Cialese, Elisabeth Archer等在頒獎大會上表演了時裝秀。
攝影師Casey Pierpoint, Sebastien Lebegue、攝像師趙大勇、歌手Kathryn Lewis對頒獎大會給予了支持。
Miss Economic World 2023 nominees Polina Soliakova, Karina Berikova, Browne Valerie, Allie Hutchins, Gabrielle Gross, Sara Grassi, Breana Lochrie, Ciara Cialese, Elisabeth Archer etc, have performed fashion show during award gala. Photographer: Casey Pierpoint, Sebastien Lebegue, videographer: Zhao Da Yong, singer: Kathryn Lewis provided their support to the gala event.
Superstar Award 2022 gala New York was organized by Superstar Art Foundation, co organizing sponsored by Classic Prestige Monaco.
Lucky draw prizes are sponsored by:
Superstar Collections Design, Skyforth Investment.
超星藝術基金會會長May Liu向2022超星獎獲得者祝賀,同時向所有參與的貴賓、贊助商和志願者表達謝意。
May Liu, President of Superstar Art Foundation has given her congratulations on the winners of Superstar Award 2022, as well as the acknowledgement to all participants including VIP guests, sponsors, donors and volunteers.
早在2016年,作爲戛納電影節期間的電影制片人,我在摩納哥的曼德拉家族慈善晚會上遇到了納爾遜·曼德拉的孫子納布達斯·曼德拉。我受到了他祖父的故事啓發, 他不忘初心爲人民的自由而奮鬥畢生。我決定追尋我的初心我的藝術家夢想,並幫助實現他人的夢想,這就是我創立超星藝術基金會的緣由。我相信,幫助別人成功就是我自己最大的成功。我相信,如果我們做正確的事情,我們身後總會有力量。這就是為什麽我們來到這裏,因爲我們有同樣的願景,那就是互相幫助,讓我們的世界變得更加美好。
我要特別感謝來自CPM的贊助商和共同組織者Juan Temene,我的法律顧問Melissa Mahler,從全國以及全世界專程趕來的藝術家提名人和陪審團成員們,所有花寶貴時間和精力協助我們舉辦這次活動的捐贈者和志願者。沒有你的幫助,這個典禮將不會成功。最後,請允許我向本次活動的每個人和您的家人致以最良好的祝願,與我們一起欣賞精彩的表演,享受頒獎典禮和聖誕節慶祝活動,在紐約洛克菲勒廣場這座標志性的傳奇建築中寫下我們的傳奇。
The president's greeting speech
Ladies and gentlemen, my friends and partners:Thank you for coming over to Superstar Award gala to celebrate and witness the winners of Superstar award with us. Superstar Art Foundation is a nonprofit organization that was founded 3 years ago by a group of financiers, art lovers, with mission of helping artists dreams.
Back in 2016, as a film producer during Cannes Film festival, I met Ndaba Mandela , the grandson of Nelson Mandela in his family charity gala in Monaco. I was inspired by the story of his grandfather, who spent his life time fighting for the freedom of his people, and I decided to seek for my dream of an artist, and help the dreams of others, that’s how I found the Superstar Art Foundation. I believe that helping others to become successful is the great success of myself. I believe if we are doing the right things, there will always be power behind us. And that’s what brought us here, is that we have the same vision of helping each other to make our world better.
I would like to give our special thanks to my sponsors and co organizer Juan Temene from CPM, my legal advisor co host Melissa Mahler, artist nominees and jury members who fly across the country and the world to help us with this event, all the donars and volunteers who spend their precious times and effort to make the event happen, without your help, this gala won't be successful.
Last, let me give my best wishes to everyone in this event and your families, enjoy the wonderful show with us, enjoy the award ceremony and Christmas celebration and write our own legend here in this iconic legendary building Rockefeller plaza New York.
Superstar Art Foundation
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