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社评 0305 首届欢迎莫士礼会长蒞临美南集团

社评 0305    首届欢迎莫士礼会长蒞临美南集团


大休斯敦商会前会长吉夫莫士礼今晨蒞临休斯敦美南集团总部参访,我们这位老友在癸违多年之后, 再度重逢, 心中充满喜悦之情 。

今午我们特别在美南电视环球剧塲设午宴招待, 并邀请他的许多往日好友共聚, 大家共话当年美好。

多年前他在任内领导大商会曾经参加过帮忙巴拿马运河和休斯敦港之扩建工程 ,并对策划大休斯敦地区之经济繁荣贡献极大, 在他的公职生涯中, 一直参舆了对德州许多重大工程之工作。

我们十分荣幸他今天之来访给予成立了二十二年之国际贸易中心许多之指教, 他对於我们多年来之不懈努力也表示高度讃扬。 

在美南新闻同时表示庆祝四十五週年之际, 我们推出了十项活动,其中最主要是举办首办休斯敦国际工商博覧会, 这项国际会义已经得到市州及联邦政府之支持, 预计将有一千位代表出席。

今午我也带领莫士礼一行参观了正在兴建中的银行大楼, 他拍了一下我的肩膀, 发出会心的一笑。

Welcome To Our Old Friend Jeff Mosley 

Jeff Mosley, former President of the Greater Houston Partnership, visited the Southern News Group office and Global One Bank yesterday and all our old friends were full of joy to see him.

In the welcoming lunch party in his honor, many of us attending were his long-time friends and we talked a lot about the old days. 

When Jeff headed the organization he also led projects to expand the Panama Canal and the Port of Houston and contributed greatly to the Greater Houston economy.   

During his career which covered many years of public service, he was involved in many major projects in Texas. 

Today we are celebrating 22 years of the International Trade Center and plan to host the First Annual Houston International Business Expo on October 31 through November 1,   2024. We need his advice and support for the event. He also expressed his high praise for our unremitting efforts over the years. 

At the same time, we are also  going to celebrate the 45th year anniversary of Southern News Group. Along with the many events, we are expecting 1,000 guests at the Expo. 

This afternoon I also took Judge Mosley on a tour of our Global One Bank building construction site. He patted me on the shoulder and smiled.