每日评论1031 掌握住手中选票

总统大选即将在下週二正式投票,由於选情之复杂和紧绷 ,这塲选战鹿死谁手尚难意料,这场大选可能是美国史上最激烈的一次。
Master The Votes In Your Hand
The presidential election will officially begin on the upcoming Tuesday. Due to the mixed issues and tightness of the election, it is very difficult to predict who will be the winner. This election may well be the fiercest ever fought in the history of the United States.
Candidates from both sides have very different views on the economy, foreign policy and domestic affairs. Whoever becomes the president will inevitably affect the future of the world.
Candidates from both sides have very different views on the economy, foreign policy and domestic affairs. Whoever becomes the president will inevitably affect the future of the world.
In recent years, there has been a surge of new Asian immigrants into the United States. Because of their outstanding achievements in many areas, they have become pillars of the economy and a strength of the nation's society. Only the lack of combined forces in politics can influence the governance of the government.
Today, we would like to call on everyone to carefully cast your precious votes and jointly protect our rights and interests, and work together for the benefit of our community and the next generation.