每日评论1224 岁末感恩

美南新闻集团在过去几年中,不断寻求搭建坚实的平台,全面进军文化贸易及金融事业,我们今年成功地举办了首届休斯敦博览会,邀集了联邦国会议员、市长、七百多位工商领袖、国务院美南区办公室、商务部、进出口银行及十二个国家之总领事进行了两天之大会,在七百位贵宾参加之年会晚宴上,市长惠特曼非常兴𡚒而感慨地说,今天之晚宴代表了休斯敦的各族裔社区之大集合和团结,充分说明我们是一个族群和谐之大家庭. 市长之鼓励和讃扬令我感动和感激。
Year-End Thanksgiving
At the end of the year, we welcome the arrivalof 2025 with gratitude. In this world full of many variables, we still have to be grateful again and again.Thank you for your support and companionship so that our media news business can still continue to serve all the community as it always has, but now in a stronger and broader way for all. Over the past few years, Southern News Group has been constantly seeking to build a solid platform to fully enter the cultural, trade and financial industries. We have successfully now held the first Houston International Expo this year, having invited Congressman Al Green, the Mayor of Houston John Whitmire, the U.S. State Department Regional Office, the U.S.Department of Commerce and twelve Consuls General in Houston to the Gala party, where in front of 700 guests, Mayor Whitmire said very excitedly and with strong emotion that, "Tonight's party represents the unity of all the ethnic communities in Houston."
Since the groundbreaking of the newly built bank building on December 8th of last year, the main structure of the building is now completed.
Today when I walked in front of this extraordinary four-story building, touching the white wall, and then walking into a wide open space of the building and looking up at the nearly 50-foot high ceiling, I was very excited. This represents many years of hard work and our dream has come true.