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每日评论 0304 邻里互助心连心

每日评论   0304 邻里互助心连心






The Neighbors Help Each Other And Connect With Each Other

The Houston International Community Safety Town Hall Meeting hosted by Southern News Group is scheduled to be held at the Houston International Trade Center on April 3rd at 2:00 pm. Many 

civic organizations have been invited to participate along with other city departments and elected officials to discuss how to improve the growing public safety issues.

In order to strengthen this service to the community, we have decided to host this event on a regular basis It is hoped that more communities and residents will actively participate in reporting these unfortunate crimes being suffered by all levels of residents.

We are so angry at the recent incidents of breaking car windows and stealing of machines from job sites.

We can only work hard hand-in-hand to help ourselves. I also personally informed Mayor Whitmire about the situation and he is highly concerned about what is going on in our community.