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每日评论 0311 大休斯敦地区正在抓非法移民

每日评论 0311  大休斯敦地区正在抓非法移民

                                                                                   图片来源 :路透社






640 Arrests Made During Week-Long ICE Operation In The Houston Area

More than 640 illegal residents were arrested in the  Houston area in late February, according to federal officials.

543 people have bern accused of crimes, and seven gang members have been arrested as part of the operation. Officials said that 140 people have been charged with, or convicted of, homicides, aggravated assaults or domestic violence.

In fact, we have noticed that many local restaurants have a serious shortage of workers, and the owners are worried that the immigration officials may be arresting them and then they get deported.

President Trump’s policy on immigration may be mixed, which does prevent a large number of illegal people entering into the United States. However, those law-abiding residents are the main labor force of our community.

We really appreciate keeping criminals out of our community. As a country of immigrants, we still need legal immigrants to come into our land.