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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/19

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/19



五年芬蘭是排名世界上最快樂的國家 他們不但経濟發達 人口不多 國民收入極高 全國生活一片祥和 政治穩定 真是世界樂土 排在第二名的是丹麥 第三是冰島

俗語說 人比人氣死人這話说得有道理 今天我們翻開世界地圖 烏俄戰爭㘯面惨不忍睹 氣候變化到處天災 新冠疫情至今雖已減緩 但中國大陸 韓國等地又趨嚴重 醫療專家正要大家去打第四針 世界何其亂和慘

我們再度呼籲世界政治領袖要以庶民為重 中美兩國尤其是世界政治之大支柱 必須做出正確之決策來挽救沉淪的地球


幾天前和赫里斯郡長卡路一同走訪了國際區和華埠西南區 從上午九點半到午餐 整整五個小時之相處時間

我們一路上參觀了中台禪寺 慈濟 希望醫療中心 卡路郡長能夠親自看見我們大家是如何從雜草中建成一個繁榮之社區 他更領會了華亞裔宗教團體對社區精神建設之貢獻

老實說 能夠利用這多时間到我們社區考察的政治人物並不多見 卡路是共和黨籍並且是把我們首次劃進他的選區

在行程中他帶來了十多位行政主管 並答應為我們興建亞洲寶塔 促進亞裔文化創意及觀光 他的諾言是否可實現 最近就能分曉

我們手中握有之选票是非常重要 換言之 大家參政選票會说話 况且政府之経費都是我們大家貢獻的稅收

World’s Happiest Country

Finland was ranked as the world’s happiest country for the fifth year in a row followed by Denmark and Iceland. They are not only economically developed, the population is not large and the national temperatures are very high.

As the old saying goes, you just can’t compare person-to-person today. When we open the world map, the war in Ukraine is terrible Climate change has caused natural disasters everywhere. The Covid-19 pandemic has slowed down, but is still attacking a lot of countries. Health experts are asking people to take a fourth shot soon.

We really need to urge the leaders of all nations to come to the rescue of especially the U.S. and China. Unless we make the right decision, the world will continue to suffer.

Commissioner Jack Cagle Came To Visit

We were so honored that Harris County Commissioner Cagle came to visit the International District and the Southwestern District last Tuesday. We toured the Chung Tai Center and the Tzu Chi Buddhist Temple and the Hope Clinic. Commissioner Cagle personally experienced how the new immigrants and pioneers have built this community to become a very prosperous area in the city of Houston. The Buddhist Center has become the spiritual center for our community.

To be honest, there are not many politicians like Commissioner Cagle. He spent half of the day with us and brought members of his staff to find out what he can do for us. One of his promises is to build an Asian pagoda in the park to promote Asian culture,  creativity and tourism.

We are so glad that this is the first time an elected commissioner has given us such promises. We will wait and see.

It is very important that all of us need to participate in the political process and go out and vote. This is the only way we can speak out and let our voices be heard.