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社評0119 德州州長就職

社評0119 德州州長就職


連任三屆十二年之德州州長艾伯特週二在首都奧斯丁就任第三届州長職務 在其演說中最令人耀眼的是德州去年有三千三百億之稅收盈益 他說這些錢是屬於大家的 而不是政府所擁有

現年六十五歲座在輪椅上的州長表示 他將繼續支持父母有選擇子女學校之權利 他更要加強邊境治安 阻止更多非法居民進入德州 同時要改進徳州供電系統是他對選民之競選承諾

我們非常高興看到艾伯特州長交出之亮麗成績單 比起其他州之财政赤字真是不可同日而語

德州經濟在艾伯特州長之主持下,目前是居於全國之首位 尤其是奧斯丁休斯敦在他的大力號召之下 許多大型企業紛紛遷入 尤其是能源醫學皆執全國之牛耳

當世界從疫情之災難中走出來 我們必須向當政者呼籲 要多照顧好弱小企業及人民 他們是生活在社會最低層而且是苦難的群體

( Photo by Reuters)

Governor Abbott Sworn In For 3rd Term

Governor Abbott took the oath of office in Austin becoming the second person to be sworn in as governor for a third term in Texas history.

In his speech he outlined the strong economy under his leadership with a $33 billion budget surplus. He said it should be used to continue to improve the State and slash taxes.

Abbott said, “Make no mistake. That money does not belong to the government. It belongs to the taxpayers. We will use that budget surplus to provide the largest tax cut in the history of the State of Texas.”

The governor also promised to push for more school choice options for parents and better border security.

We are very glad to see that the governor handed in such a beautiful report card which is really much different from other states.

Over the past several years, Texas was the leading state to attract many big companies to move into the state. As the world is just moving out of the pandemic, we must appeal to our small businesses and vulnerable enterprises and the many poor people who are still suffering.