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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 06/30

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 06/30

我见 我闻 我思







改善治安是目前政府最重要的课题,就以休斯敦国际区而言,大约十三英哩之地方, 我们在治安巡逻方面每年都花到五十万元以上之预算以补市政府警察局人力之不足。

今天我们目睹更多更嚣张的犯罪行為,主要是经济环境不佳,失业人口及游民增多,希望大家加强警戒 ,随时注意週遭环境,也只有自求多福了。

Robbery Inside A Supermarket

Last weekend a robber went to a local Asian supermarket and robbed a female customer in the broad daylight. The supermarket video was posted on social media and provided a very clear photo of the incident. People are so angry and outraged.

In the last several years, cities in Texas including Houston, Austin and Dallas, when compared with the East and West coasts, were still considered cities with lower crime rates.

When the coronavirus pandemic hit our area, the situation changed. Many people had lost their jobs and a lot of businesses closed down. These families are still suffering today.

We very much regret that the crime in all cities has gone up, especially the cities on both the west and east coast. Many crimes in those cities occur in the mass transportation area.

We are here in the Houston International District with the size of only thirteen square miles. Yet we spend more than half a million dollars to hire a private security company in order to make up for the shortage of local police force.

The basic problem is our economic issue. When people are jobless they will risk their life to survive.

The whole country now has opened back up. We all hope the economy will come back and more people can go back to work.