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代表西非布吉纳索总统之顾问代表团,日前正在美国德州休斯敦进行访问, 代表团团长卡波雷博士等一行七人於上週五前来美南新闻集团总部拜访, 我更以西非几内亚驻德州名誉总领事身份亲切接待, 并就如何加强德州休斯敦和布吉纳索之关係交换意见。

多年来 ,美南集团属下的国际贸易中心经常接待来自世界各国之访问团, 肩负有许多促进国民外交及经贸文化交流之责任, 这也无疑是我们对社会之贡献。

布吉纳索位於西非物產金矿资源富饶之国家 ,但是政治稳定性不足, 造成国家发展之困难。

在我们双方之会谈中, 我们曾就媒体数位电视台、 医疗教育及远距教学提供建议, 希望促进两国之间之合作。

代表团一行并参观了国际贸易中心、 美南媒体中心之印报电视制作, 以及正在兴建中之环球第一银行大楼, 并且邀请他们在今年十月三十日参加第一届休斯敦国际工商博覧会。

We Hosted A Diplomatic Visit For Houston

A delegation of advisors representing the President of Burkina Faso in West Africa recently visited Houston, Texas. The delegation was led by    Dr. Wendpanga Bruno Compaore  and consisted of seven members who visited the headquarters of Southern News Group last Friday.     

I welcomed them warmly in my capacity as the Honorary Consul of Guinea in Texas. 

We discussed how to strengthen the relationship between Houston and Burkina Faso. 

Over the years, the International Trade Center has frequently      hosted visiting delegations from various countries, fulfilling our mission and responsibilities of promoting economic and cultural exchanges. 

Burkina Faso, located in West Africa, is a country that is rich in mineral resources such as gold, but it       

also faces many challenges due to insufficient political stability that has hindered its development.