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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 06/21

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 06/21

我見 我思 我聞


----- 寫在2021 年父親節




父母親在戰亂中生長,是最不幸的一代, 當他們生活在異域他郷時,生活的挑戰已經耗盡了年輕的黃金歲月,父親早年最大的精神享受就是晚上在微燈下閱讀當天的報紙,他關心家鄉和世界上当天發生的大小事,從我有記憶時,總是依附在父親身後,和父親共讀報紙,在我幼小的心靈中,和新聞媒體結下不解之緣,直到我在大學時期就在新聞平台上開始了我媒體工作者

的第一步,每當我們父子在台北車站相互道別時,他還经常提起我孩童時和他爭看報紙的往事,父親年輕時的凌云壯志,在現實的環境下使他感到無力和頹喪,這份「懷才不遇」的失落 ,他唯有寄望下一代來圓夢。

數十載的崢嶸歲月,我們不負父親的期望,總是在最艱困时刻,以見山開路,見水搭橋的勇氣 接受挑戰,我們為海外華文媒體寫下了歷史的篇章。




2021 620日父親節


Remembering Father’s Encouragement

Dad, you were like a light in the darkness. You laid out the strong road ahead to let us fight for our lives.

That was a dark evening when my flight arrived at Taipei Airport from San Francisco. I rushed to the hospital to try to meet my father. I took a lot of letters he wrote to me. He felt I was coming back. That was the last time I saw my father.

Today is Father’s Day. I passed by my office where hanging on the wall is the calligraphy written by him. Especially today, I felt I heard his voice and encouragement.

My parents spent their their young adult time during the war time. I still remember my dad’s only hobby and good time was reading the daily newspaper at night time. When I was still a kid I always slept by him to “share” the news and ask him some questions about the local news and news of the world. Most of the time I could not understand until I fell asleep. Up until I was in college and got a job at a local radio station, every time my dad met with me, he always remembered my habit of reading the newspaper with him

My dad never really reached his goal in life and he felt very depressed in his final days.

Fortunately, we can continue his vision to build a media business in America.

A couple of months ago our daughter Margaret and son-in-law Jack brought us a pair of Rolex watches. On today’s Father’s Day she brought me a summer pair of socks and we felt such joy and happiness.

We remembered when Margaret was just four or five years old when she always tried to help us to put the inserts into the newspapers. After she graduated from Columbia University and Texas Medical School, she became a very outstanding physician. Her patients always told me that Dr. Lee is such a friendly doctor and always treats everyone like members of their family.

Today, when all of us are remembering our fathers, the voices of our loved ones who have gone from the world sometime come back to us as if in a trance. The voices and teachings of our fathers will always be in our hearts.