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【德克萨斯州博蒙特消息】1 月 26 日星期三,充满希望的高中生和他们的父母挤满了迄今为止最大的拉马尔大学(Lamar University)的德克萨斯学院( Texas Academy)预展日,谈话声和好奇的声音充满了里奥荣誉(Reaud Honors) 行政活动空间。

拉马尔大学的德克萨斯学院是德克萨斯州高中三年级和四年级的早期入学荣誉计划。所有被这个独特课程录取的学生都将获得每学期最多 15 个学分的全额学费奖学金,同时攻读工程学、医学预科/牙科预科、商业、护理预科或多学科的学术课程。学生还可以参加校内运动、军乐队和全校 150 个学生组织中的任何一个。

拉马尔大学校长杰米·泰勒(Jaime Taylor) 表示:“成绩优异的高中生可以在拉马尔大学的德克萨斯学院免费获得长达两年的大学学分。这是一个在全国排名第三的工程项目中尽早开始的绝佳机会,该项目的教育投资回报率领先于麻省理工学院、哈佛大学和斯坦福大学。德州学院的学生也可以使用导致完成医学预科、商业、科学和人文学科的学术计划。”

里奥荣誉学院(Reaud Honors College )和德克萨斯学院项院长蒂丽莎·锡伯杜(Tilisa Thibodeaux) 表示,预展日让当地社区有机会了解更多关于学院、学生的机会和拉马尔大学提供的一切的信息。


对该计划感兴趣的得克萨斯州高中生可以参加即将于 2 月 7 日在 拉马尔大学校园或在 2 月 17 日举行的云端视频预览日。这两项活动都已开放注册,锡伯杜说:“申请正在递交,我们正在对拉马尔大学的德克萨斯学院计划即将发生的事情感到兴奋。”

要了解有关德克萨斯学院的更多信息或注册即将到来的预览日,请访问 www.lamar.edu/texasacademy。


联系人:公共事务经理 Shelbe Rodriguez

Srodriguez45@lamar.edu, (409) 880-7886


Lamar University’s Texas Academy offers big opportunities for gifted and talented high school students in Texas

 (Beaumont, Texas) –
On Wednesday, Jan. 26, the sounds of conversation and curiosity filled the Reaud Honors executive event space as hopeful high school aged students and their parents packed in for the largest Texas Academy Preview Day to date.

The Lamar University Texas Academy is an early entrance honors program for Texas high school juniors and seniors. All students accepted into the unique program receive full-tuition scholarships for up to 15 credit hours per semester while pursuing an academic track in engineering, pre-med/pre-dental, business, pre-nursing or multidisciplinary. Students also can participate in campus intramural sports, marching band and any of the 150 student organizations across the university.

Lamar University President Jaime Taylor stated, “High achieving high school students can earn up to two years of college credit for free in the Texas Academy at Lamar University.   It is an amazing opportunity to get started early in the nation’s third highest ranked engineering program, a program ranked ahead of MIT, Harvard and Stanford in return on educational investment.   Academic plans leading to completion of pre-med, business, science and the humanities also are available to Texas Academy students.”

Tilisa Thibodeaux, dean of the Reaud Honors College and LU Texas Academy program, said that Preview Day gives the local community an opportunity to learn more about the academy, student opportunities and everything offered at LU.

“Our Texas Academy students have amazing experiences here at Lamar University. They are learning about academics, curriculum, service leadership and everything that’s involved with being an academy student at Lamar University in an accelerated gifted and talented program. Our focus for Preview Day is to highlight all of those amazing things that exist here.”

Texas high school students interested in the program are able to attend the upcoming Preview Day on Feb. 7 on the LU campus or virtually on Feb. 17. Registration is open for both events and Thibodeaux said, “Applications are flying in, and we are excited about what is to come for the Texas Academy program here at LU.”

To learn more about the Texas Academy or to register for an upcoming Preview Day, visit: www.lamar.edu/texasacademy.

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Contact: Shelbe Rodriguez, Public Affairs Manager 

Srodriguez45@lamar.edu, (409) 880-7886
