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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0430

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0430


為了欢送在美国着名的休斯敦莱斯大学校长李伯尔孙月萍伉儷结束了他们在任十八年之贡献 该校校董会於昨晚在ION 大楼邀请了近六百位各界政商名流出席了一塲温馨豪华美食之晚宴也是我在美国这麼多年来见过这麼多上台演说的佳宾对主角校长之另一半 佳评不断讃誉不绝的大塲面

李伯尔校长於十八年前携眷从纽约哥伦比亚大学来到美国南部的大农村城市休斯敦老实说纽约客对美国南方是有些偏见 校长在演说中表示 我当年对休斯敦只有三对认识的朋友 今天有这麼多的友人為我们送行 实在是我莫大的荣幸 在李伯尔校长之主持人 全校学生比从前增加了百分之三十 在科研 医学 能源方面之学术杰出表现 已经使莱斯大学登上世界大学之舞台

站在校长旁边的夫人孙月萍女士 早年身上只带了二十五元美金 経过多次向美国总领事馆之争取 终於踏进普林斯敦大学攻读 并且以极优异之成绩毕业於法学院 她和李伯尔校长的中外婚姻一时传為佳话

当晚之宴会上 她的父母和家人都在座 她在大会上以华语告诉大家 她来自中国大陆 并感谢父母们之养育之恩

我们当时对的演说非常感动 一位从当时非常贫穷的中国大陆赤手空拳到今天在美国创造出来的辉煌人生 是我们华人的骄傲

老实说 她在这広多美国社会政商名流前面非常大方而且骄傲地突显华裔对美国社会之奉献

在莱斯大学宽敞高雅的校长住邸中 校长伉儷経常举办各种慈善文化活动 尤其是每年农历新年她一定準备佳餚美食 招待各界人士 其中大部分是华人同胞

今晚之欢迎会 大屏上放映了校长夫妇十八年来之努力成果 在她的幕后努力下 这位莱斯校长第一夫人把这间名校带进了社会的各层面 其中有对慈善 医疗 文化 福利 工作之参与 更是表现出我们是个多元族群之大家庭

We Are Proud Of Ping Sun

More than five hundred Houston area community and political leaders were invited by the Rice University Board of Trustees to attend an evening honoring President David Leebron and Y. Ping Sun. This warm and luxurious dinner in Rice’s ION building was held to say farewell to the couple’s eighteen years of outstanding service to the university.

Under their leadership, Rice University expanded student enrollments by more than 30 percent and made many contributions to science and technology around the world.

Standing next to the President is the First Lady of Rice University, Y. Ping Sun. She came to America with twenty-five U.S. dollars in her pockets and went to Princeton where she finished her law school degree and married Leebron which changed her life.

At the dinner party her parents and family members were among the guests. She spoke to the audience and expressed her thanks to her parents in Chinese and said she was from mainland China. We were so moved by her speech. She has created a brilliant life in America today from a very poor life in mainland China at that time. This is a success story of the new immigrants and the pride of Chinese Americans.

In the spacious and elegant residence of the President of Rice University, the couple has held various charitable and cultural events, especially. Every Lunar New Year, Ping prepared delicious Chinese food to entertain the guests, especially for those from the local Chinese community.

From Ping Sun’s excellent performance and life, she has spread and followed the excellent tradition of filial piety and loyalty to the Chinese culture.

Ping, we are really proud of you. We hope more of Ping Sun’s will be among our Chinese-American community in the future.