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社评0225 退色记忆 重返母校

社评0225 退色记忆 重返母校

褪色记忆 重返母校

昨晚我们重返母校拉马州立大学,被邀和校长泰勒博士同桌座在大学图书馆八楼大厅,庆贺四位优秀校友获颁事业成就奬 ,他们都是各个行业之精英,不但爱护母校,而且对社会作出重大贡献。

离开母校屈指算来已经是数十年前的往事了, 拉马大学是我们第一所前来进修硕士学位的学府, 它地处德州东部, 是一座标準的石油能源城镇, 美国政府储藏之国家石油多半埋在此地, 校园中并有个石油博物馆, 是美国第一口发现石油之小镇。

多年来, 拉马州立大学是培养德州东部各种人才之重要学术机构, 目前共有一万七千位学生, 光外国留学生就有一千二百位。 今天在校友会之晚餐上, 来了二百五十位校友, 几乎囊括了博蒙市县内所有之政商界名人。

我们要特别感恩拉马大学成為我们走进美国社会之门坎, 从这裡我们全面接受了美国之教育文化, 走进社会之起点。

泰勒校长在晚会上大讃校友们对母校及社会之奉献, 我们也以拉马大学之成就為荣。

 Back To Our Alma Mater

Last night my wife and I returned to our alma mater Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. We were invited to sit at the Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner next to President Dr. Jaime Taylor. These outstanding alumni are all elites in various fields. They not only love their alma mater, they also make significant contributions to society.
We left Lamar University a few decades ago. This was our first university to study for our master's degrees. It is located in East Texas and is an oil town. Most of the national oil reserves are located here.
Over the years, this university has been grinding out many local leaders and business people. At present, they have 17,000 students and more than 1,200 foreign students study here.
We are so grateful for this place where we started to learn and enter into American society.
Tonight President Taylor highly praised the alumni contributions to our school as well as to the whole country. We are very proud to be part of this great institution.