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社评1211 胜利的滋味

社评1211    胜利的滋味


近千名支持者週六晚上聚集在休斯敦布朗会议中心,庆祝德州参议员惠特迈以极大差异在市长选举中获胜。 群眾之欢呼声及他慨慷胜利演说震撼了支持者 ,他誓言要澈底改变这个全美第四大城。

在大休斯敦地区佔有总人口百分之七点五的华亚裔选民 , 一年多来就热情参加休斯敦市长之选举活动, 这也是首次破纪录之投票和捐款记录。

经过了二年多之激烈竞争, 德州参议员惠特迈终於登上美国第四大城市长之宝座, 这位政坛老将将以他数十年从事经验来澈底改善市政方针。

他在胜选之大会上特别强调我们多元族裔之重要性, 其中包括华亚裔在内, 他决心重整市府团队 ,要充分显示出各族裔之代表性, 选拔最优秀之人才进入市府服务。

多年来, 我们华亚裔在整个市政方面之影响力极其有限, 希望今后对新市长建议如何加强对经济及社区文化之推动。

首先我们要建议市府尽早规划「经济投资免税特区 」,向全世界发展招商引资计划, 同时希望市府明定各族裔文化节日庆祝活动, 其中包括农暦新年嘉华年会, 同时举办游行、 龙舟美食节吸引更多之观光客。

我们有信心这位新市长会接受我们的建言 ,大家為市之繁荣安定而共同努力。

The Sweet Taste of Victory

Nearly one thousand supporters gathered at Houston's George R. Brown Convention Center on Saturday night to celebrate State Senator Whitmire’s mayoral election victory. The cheers of the masses and his victory speech shocked his supporters. He vowed to change this, the fourth largest city in America. 

The Asian population makes up 7.5 % of the city's population now and we have enthusiastically participated in the election process including the runoff election for the race. 

The new mayor has particularly emphasized the importance of our multi-ethnicity in this great city. We all need to work together to reach our goals. 

Over the years, the Asian community has been extremely limited in influence in the local government. We hope to propose to the new mayor how to best promote and strengthen the develoment of the economy with an emphasis on our diverse community culture in the future. 

First of all, we need to suggest that our city needs to set up an Economic Investment Department to attract investors from around the world and also identify the various cultural celebrations in the city. 

We are confident that the new mayor will accept our suggestions and will continue to promote prosperity for our city in the future.