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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 05/27

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 05/27

我见 我思 我闻





过去两年来,两个超级大国之间的激烈反制和竞争威胁到了区域间一直保持的微妙平衡,李顕龙预言,到二O二八年中国大陆之经济将超过美国,成為世界第一大经济体,比预期早了五年, 他认為一个国力増长繁荣的中国,提供了一个稳定世界的机会。




中美两国近年来在各种领域正在加紧矛盾和冲突 我们呼吁两大强权要听听李总理的忠告,不要再把人类带入黑暗的深渊。

Prime Minster Lee’s View On Super Power

Singapore’s Prime Minster Lee Hsieh Loong said in a recent interview that a clash between the U.S. and China is more likely than it was five years ago.

Lee said that if both nations continue to take a hard line because of domestic considerations, they could easily find themselves at an impasse.

As a tiny island nation Singapore and the U.S. are major security partners and the U.S. is also the biggest investor in Singapore. Meanwhile, China is Singapore’s largest export market.

Prime Minister Lee hopes that President Biden will be someone who believes in multilateralism and international trade.

The U.S. is still number one, but number two China is not far behind. By some estimates, the China economy will takeover the U.S. in 2028 and become the world’s largest.

We are urging the super power leaders to believe in globalization and create opportunity for the rest of the nations.

We are very worried about the potential conflict between the two superpowers in many areas of the world. Unless we can control the situation, especially in this coronavirus crisis, the world will still be in chaos.