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社评0224 法官走进华人社区

社评0224 法官走进华人社区


在赖清阳律师、陈帆律师之安排下, 赫里斯郡第一百五十一庭法官余格哈特伉儷在阳光中心首次和华亚裔社区举行见面会, 这是近年来罕见的一次社区聚会, 具有特别之意义。

美国之司法制度有异於各国, 大部分之法官是经由人民票选出来, 因為选票和钞票是决定是否当选之要因。 因此每逢选举时期大街小巷都插满法官之广告 ,也是个非常耀眼的风景綫。

司法正义和公平是目前世界冬国存在非常争议之问题, 何况法官又是民选 ,因為法官和选民之间存有许多错综复杂之关係也不在话下。

今天之社区座谈中, 余格哈特法官详述我们司法制度之运作方式, 如何在民事法庭上维护自己的権益。

多年来 ,华亚裔社区面临之民事纠纷往往是以息事寧人之方式解决,不愿上法庭是项错误之想法 ,我们希望这项和法官见面之社区活动长期举办下去, 来教育华亚裔人士如何保障自己的权益。

座谈会中, 丰建伟医生、 俞斌会长、 杨德清会长都分别发言, 对余格哈特法官对华亚裔社区之关心表示讃扬 。

The Judge Came To Our Community 

Under the arrangement of attorney Andy Lai and Fan Chen, Harris County District 151 Judge Mike                                                                                                              Engelhart held his first meeting with the Chinese Asian community in the Sunshine Center. This was                                                                                                           a rare community gathering not seen before in recent years, and it had a special significance. 

The judicial system in the United States is different from that in various other countries. Most judges here 

are elected by the people, so the vote and money are the key reasons for deciding whether a candidate will                                                                                                                                        

be elected. Therefore at election time, the streets are full of advertisements for judges which also creates a 

dazzling forest of signs that makes for a very colorful scene. 

Judicial justice and fairness are very controversial issues in today's world. In the meeting, the judge detailed how 

our system works and explained how to safeguard our rights. 

Over the years in our community, a lot of civil disputes that have faced us are often resolved in a peaceful manner.                                                                                      Usually, people don’t want to go to court. We hope this education opportunity will give us more knowledge to protect 

our rights. 

During the meeting, Dr. Jianwei Feng, Bin Yu, Deqing Yang and Mary Li all raised questions and hoped that this kind of                                                                            town hall meeting can be repeated in the future.