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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0330

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0330


歷史的轨跡总是不断向前, 美南新闻自创刊以来, 我们无时无刻不在努力於革新、 创新、 面对困难之挑战, 美南环球剧坊之诞生 ,代表了一个新时代之来临。

早在十五年前, 美南电视从传统走进了数位时代, 我们可以在秒分之内传递清晰之电视影像 ,随着5G 时代之到来, 电视节目之发送和接收只在瞬间完成, 甚至可以传达世界任何角落。

随着环球剧坊之全面啟动, 我们将把这个舞臺展现之舞姿、 演说、 戏剧、 访问、培训及一切可能之资讯画面向全球传送和交流。

明晚我们邀请了各界社会贤达 ,多年支持我们前进的好友伙伴, 并配上现场美食表演, 请大家享受一场艺术文化表演之盛宴, 就如一把不断要传递下去的文化火炬 ,把它燃起熊熊火焰 ,在高速进展的科技时代 引领世界。

多年来 ,我们得到无数人的掌声, 总是称讃美南新闻不断求新求变 ,但不变的是我们对社会承担的责任和大家对我们的爱护和期待,

今天我看到了一羣可爱聪明的民族幼苗, 他们即将参加美南新闻小主持播音训练班, 其中包括我的外孙及外孙女, 我的心情特别兴喜, 可能是后继有人了吧, 这羣孩童们也成為美南新闻大家庭的成员了。

We Want To Applaud The Houston International Studio

The trajectory of history always moves forward. Since we started our journey, we have faced many challenges and difficulties, but the key in our business is innovation. The birth of our Houston International Studio represents our new era.

As early as fifteen years ago, Southern TV entered the digital era. Using the latest technology, we can transmit clear images in a second. With the advent of the 5G era, the delivery and reception of TV programs are completed in just an instant and can reach out to any corner of the world.

Live and directly from our Houston International Studio stage, we will send out and broadcast dancing and singing, photos, speeches, dramas, interviews, news reports and all other possible information out to the whole world.

Tomorrow night we have invited a group of our friends and supporters to preview and enjoy the new studio that will feature an exciting cultural performance.

Over the years we have received so much continuous support and applause from our supporters who tell us how much they appreciate that we always seek new innovation and change. What remains unchanged is our responsibility to our community and society.

Today we saw a group of very cute and smart young people. They will join our junior reporters training camp soon, including my granddaughter Ava and grandson Andy. I am so happy that one day they will become our successors and continue our journey. This group of children has also become the latest new members of our Southern News Group family.