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社评1106 参加安哥拉国庆纪念大会

社评1106    参加安哥拉国庆纪念大会



安哥拉国土面稹124 万平方公里, 人口有三千二百万,位於非洲西南部濒临大西洋是非洲第二大石油生產国和世界第五大钻石產地。自2002 年内战结束之后, 安哥拉政局渐趋稳定。 但是由於疫情对经济之严重影响, 债务问题突出前景并不乐观。 目前还是被列為全世界贫穷国家之列, 百分之七十以上之国民每天生活费仅有三美元。

由於安哥拉盛產石油, 来自世界各地之石油公司纷纷前往探勘因而当地之物价飞涨, 首都罗安达既然变成世界上第一名物价最高之首都城市。

今天的非洲正面临着史无前例之变化及歷史机遇, 这片广大之土地已经不是过去战乱之大陆 ,大多数国家已经走向经济掛帅之政策, 利用既有之天然资源来為人民改善生活。

我向纳士明托总领事献上忠心的祝福 ,包括几内亚在内之非洲国家都应团结合作, 為非洲未来之发展共同努力。

Celebrating Angola's National Day 

At the invitation of Hon. Ana Paula Do Nascimento, Consul General of Angola in Houston, Texas, I joined the celebration of Angola’s National Day last Friday. 

Angola has a land area of 1.24  million square kilometers and with a population of 32 million, is located along the Atlantic Ocean in the southwestern part of Africa. 

Angola is the second largest oil producer in Africa and the fifth largest diamond producer in the world. Since the end of a civil war in 2002, the political situation in Angola has gradually stabilized, but due to the serious impact of the epidemic on the economy, the prospective outstanding debt problem does not hold optimisim for the economy. At the present time, it is still listed as one of the poorest country in the world. More than 70% of the people live on only $3 dollars a day. 

Because Angela is rich in oil, the oil companies from many countries have come to explore and have made the capital’s living expenses the highest in the world. 

Today’s Africa is facing unprecedented changes along with

historical opportunities. This vast land is no longer the war-torn continent of the past. Most African countries have moved toward improving their economic policies and use their existing natural resources to improve the lives of their people.

We offer a special blessing to Consul General Nascimento that African countries including Guinea should all unite and work together for the future development of Africa.